Our Timetable

CROSSFIT: Each class includes a warm-up, barbell and body weight strength work, with a conditioning session. Scalable to be appropriate for all abilities.

AESTHETICS: Basic bodybuilding movements that feel good for the body.

HIIT/SWEAT: Each class includes a warm-up and 50 minutes of high intensity interval based training, low skill, purely cardio focused. Appropriate for all abilities. No fundamentals course required to participate in these classes.

BARBELL: Olympic weightlifting and barbell technique class with strength progressions. Learn how to lift safely under a qualified Olympic weightlifting coach.

EMOM: this class will follow the common CrossFit Every minute on the minute format, however EMOMS will focus on all aspects of strength and conditioning depending on the session: Olympic Lifting, Absolute Strength, Skill or Conditioning.

KIDS: For ages 5-11, each class includes a warm-up, skill work, conditioning and games.

TEENS: For ages 12-16, a stepping stone between our Kids program and regular classes. Includes a warm-up, strength and skill work, and conditioning.

WODS WITH JESS: Our Saturday team throw down with coach Jess joining in.

PERSONAL TRAINING: Available on request.